AgriGo4Cities - Diploma of Excellence for the Black Sea – Danubian Social & Economic Innovator


We are very proud to announce that our project ‘AgriGo4Cities – Urban Agriculture for changing Cities’ has been awarded the Trophies & Diplomas of Excellence ‘Black Sea – Danubian Social and Economic Innovator’.

The ceremony, under the aegis of the European Commission – DG MARE, on the occasion of the European Maritime Day, took place on 31st May 2019 at the Palace of the Parliament – Senate, Bucharest, Romania. It was part of the High-Level International Stakeholders Event ‘Boosting transnational cooperation through the Black Sea – Danube macro-regional Hub’.

The main organizing partners included the International Honorary Chair  ”Jean Bart” in favor of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (CIO-SUERD), project coordinated by the EUROLINK-House of Europe Foundation (Member of EUNET) in partnership with the Romanian Academy; the Danube – Black Sea Macro-Regional Hub, chaired by Cluj IT Cluster and the ”Local Communities along the Danube River” Association (CLDR - Member of CoDCR).

The award was received in the presence of diplomatic representatives, high officials and other distinguished guests. The AgriGo4Cities Consortium is very honored for this acknowledgment and we deeply thank the awarding Commission for choosing our project. We also would like to thank every person who took part in this inspiring experience, as their contribution allowed all of us to reach this goal.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)