ART NOUVEAU - Training on museology/art history organized within Art Nouveau project


Museum of Applied Arts from Budapest organized a three-day training in museology/art history for the experts-participants of the Art Nouveau project. The event was hosted in Budapest and took place in several locations, from the 19th to 21st November 2018. The training focused on the presentation of Art Nouveau treasures in a museum context, with references to different research techniques in art history which may support the museum activity.

Thematic blocks of the training inlcuded:

  • Budapest Museum of Applied Arts, the center of Hungarian Art Nouveau – The history of the building and the institution; collecting at the time of director JenÅ‘ Radisics
  • Architectural ceramics and Art Nouveau building elements (Bigot, Zsolnay) in a museum context
  • Documentation of the protected architectural heritage – the role of art historians in the research of monuments
  • Architectural plans and their documentation – sources of Art Nouveau architecture
  • Art Nouveau ornament. Pattern books in the service of creating a new style
  • Additional programs related to the workshop topics: Guided museum and city tours in the spirit of Art Nouveau

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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)