ART NOUVEAU - Training on public cultural management organized within Art Nouveau project


Municipality of Oradea, Lead Partner of the Art Nouveau project organized a two-day training on Cultural Management.

From 9th to 11th April 2019, Municipality of Oradea welcomed the participants from partner organizations in the project Art Nouveau on a two-day training on Cultural Management in Oradea Fortress. On the first day, the theoretical and practical aspects of management of cultural heritage and monuments were presented and discussed. The experts introduced the participants to the field of cultural management by explaining its general aspects. They also elaborated on legislative requirements for the cultural management plan and explained its implementation with respect to urban, cultural, environmental and social issues. An overview of cultural management and tourism was also presented to the participants, and branding and cultural management for the sustainable development of a patrimonial buildings was also addressed during the training.

After the presentation on the practical approach to cultural management, with Romanian good practice examples and ideas which can be applied on a wider scale, the event was concluded by discussing the most relevant cultural heritage management aspects and issues and by proposing and establishing future collaborations.


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Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)