InnoSchool - 3rd Project and Steering Committee Meeting in Belgrade


On the 19th and 20th of February in Belgrade, Serbia took place the 3rd Project and Steering Committee Meeting on behalf of InnoSchool project. The aim of this meeting was for all the project partners to discuss relevant topics according to the phase of the project: the advanced InnoSchool Learning System (ILS) final version, presentation of the Serious Game state of art, current situation on Open calls for Pilot and other management and internal issues. An overview of the implemented activities and achieved results was presented and steps forward were discussed.

On the first day, Lucie Noswitz, the project manager and DEXIC representative, opened the meeting with a warm welcome and an overview of the agenda. Arnold Gutmayer, representative of Vienna Board of Education, continued the discussions with the presentation of the advanced ILS final version. He also shared with me the feedback from colleagues and external experts on InnoSchool learning concept. The main idea from outside feedback is that what we are doing with the InnoSchool Project is special and unique.

The meeting continued with a presentation of the impact questioner for students, and the umbrella concepts that are included in it, held by representatives from ACTA, CTRIA and DEXIC. Natasha Zarankova from BIGD presented the teachers handbook, step by step guide, and Sanja Inđić from RADEI presented the training material for teachers’ workshop. These 3 main deliverables play key roles in the preparation for the piloting of InnoSchool that is set to start this fall.

Our colleagues from the Technical University of Kosice presented the Serious Game and the progress so far. In a discussion lead by Frantisek Janke (TUKE) final decisions were made regarding the finalization of the game and translation to all the partner languages.

The day ended with 3 internal workshops regarding the impact questioner for students, teacher’s handbook and training material for teachers’ workshop and a presentation by Michal Stefan from DEXIC about the current state of art with the second Open Call and the engagement of secondary schools to pilot in each country.

The second day started with a presentation by Arnold Gutmayer about the organizing of the Advisory Group meetings and continued with an overview of the communication activities of the project, by Cristina Mang from CJRAE Bihor.  Topics like launching the 4th newsletter, the upcoming newsletters, social media campaign, finalizing the concept for the 1st InnoSchool Days seminar and the InnoSchool video where discussed by her and two more representatives from CJARE, Stefan Ionescu and Stefana Buzetelu. The meeting ended with the Steering Committee activity on financial and management issues.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)