InnoSchool - The Handbook for Teachers … in progress


The Handbook for Teachers … in progress  

Another important InnoSchool pedagogy element is ensured by the Handbook for Teachers, meaning a practical guide to support them during pilot of the InnoSchool Pedagogy.

Teacher’s Handbook Concept is designed to provide Teaching InnoSchool Learning System – Step by Step, Serious Game Manual and Application, Social-Media Competition facts and, of course, theoretical input. Sneak a peek on this images to discover more on InnoSc hool Teacher’s Handbook:



During 2nd Advisory Meeting in Oradea, InnoSchool team experts considered a great opportunity to receive feedback on this Concept too.

Romanian Advisory Group members offered tips for the offline activities, like visits, trips with the students to social enterprises, inviting local social entrepreneurs in classes, discussions with the beneficiaries of social enterprises. The idea of ​​implementing the following message as a suggestion for teachers was underlined: to encourage the practice of principle that local entrepreneurship brings well-being to the local community and convinces citizens to stay home, further contributing to the development of the area in which they live.

Another conclusion highlights the importance of the teaching skills! The teacher training program addressing the InnoSchool Learning System must improve the quality of the educational process! In other words, the teachers should develop the skills targeted by the ILS. Therefore, the desired impact questionnaire applied in pretest and posttest forms to students, could be completed by the teachers as well.



Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)