InnoSchool - Second Advisory Group meeting for Moldova


FACLIA - Association for Children and Youth recently organized the second Advisory Group meeting for Moldova using online methods to gather important information from the members regarding the serious game, teachers interface, teacher’s handbook, the set of training materials for teachers' training workshop, the impact questionnaire for students and the inter-school competition.

The feedback regarding the Serious Game was a positive one. They considered the video with Mervin informative and a call to action for students. The game itself was considered clear and with step by step guidance. Other aspects like the quizzes were considered very useful for the learning process as even if you give the wrong answer, the hints help you continue, learn and not quit the game.

Teachers interface, teacher’s handbook and the set of training materials for teachers' training workshop were analyzed as well and found to have key elements necessary for teachers' guidance on how to organize and conduct the classes.

Regarding the impact questionnaire for students, the feedback was also a positive one. When discussing the inter-school competition, the opinions where split. Some students believed the competitions is important, others thought it limits creativity; meanwhile teachers and educational representatives don’t see it as the goal. Learning about entrepreneurship is!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)