InnoSchool - 2nd Advisory Group Meetings in Bosnia and Herzegovina


In March 2020, the Agency for economic development of City of Prijedor “PREDA-PD” organized their second Advisory Group meeting in Bosnia and Herzegovina. During these challenging times the feedback was received exclusively online and it was generally a positive one. The students liked the game, it reminded them of them of other online learning material. Social representatives believed that the social needs have been presented very well and that it’s necessary to explain to students that people from vulnerable groups can have many other problems.

Teachers, educational and social representatives provided relevant feedback regarding the teaches interface, teachers handbook and the set of training materials for teachers' training workshop. They saw them easy to use, even for teachers that do not have extensive IT knowledge.

Regarding the impact questionnaire for students, the feedback was that they found the questions from questionnaire easy to understand, but they needed more information about it in order to connect it with the serious game.

“Inter-school competition is an excellent way to motivate students and teachers to participate in Pilot. It can be organized as a one-day event where the three best teams would present their social business ideas from both categories (basic and advance). The jury could be composed from relevant business representatives, social sector representatives and financial sector representatives.” This idea was agreed by all the Advisory Group members and has brought valuable feedback toward the organization of the inter-school competition.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)