Danube SKILLS - Roundtable Workshop in Budapest


Budapest, 20.04.2017

The public workshop on the new proposed EU Directive on recognition of IWT professional qualifications was organised in Budapest in close cooperation with the Danube Commission.
In Benczur utca, Budapest the Danube Commission hosted the project national workshop organised by RSOE, the Hungarian project partner. Among the key stakeholders there were education and training institutes (supply) and fleet operators (demand).

Furthermore, the Ministry of National Development (policy) responsible for IWT qualifications was also present. Presentation of the project and of the new EU Directive was followed by very active discussions among the stakeholders.
The main outcomes of the national workshop will be forwarded to project Lead Partner for subsequent integration into the preliminary report to be submitted to the Working Group on Professional Qualifications to be held in Budapest on 11 May 2017.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)