ATTRACTIVE DANUBE - Project Attractive Danube is entering next phase
The ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project is gradually entering the next phase, whose main purpose is the establishment of national Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platforms (TAMP). These national platforms for territorial attractiveness assessment will be established by step-by-step proccess with participation of steakholders at national, regional and local levels from NGO's, academia, business and civil society.
This participatory planning processes will soon be launched at national level among all partners during May and June with first round of workshops and will continue with two more rounds of workshops in the second half of this year. Together it includes 3 workshops in 11 countries, ie 33 workshops in total.
ATTRACTIVE DANUBE project workshop
Follow us on our web pages, facebook and twitter where we will be continuously anouncing the dates of workshops in project partners countries, which you can actively take part in.