D2C - DaRe to Connect at the Berlin “Festival of Lights”


The project “DaRe to Connect” took part at 2020´s “Festival of Lights” in Germany´s capital Berlin. The “Festival of Lights” aims to set an example of solidarity, unity and togetherness, following an approach of light-art with over 100 works at 86 locations around the city. The projection is shown on the Mauerbrunnen (“wall-fountain”) which acts as a “Trace towards the future” and is a reminder for the Berlin wall. This makes the Festival and the fountain a perfect canvas for a projection on the European Green Belt.

The light-installation shows a variety of typical elements and features of regions along the former Iron Curtain. Valuable habitat are symbolized alongside rare species like the European otter (Lutra lutra) or the marsh fritillary (Euphydryas aurinia). In the background former border surveillance contructions that are reconquered by nature can be seen. This symbolizes the main features of the European Green Belt as a treasure chest for biodiversity and a living memorial landscape.

The projection worked as a promotion of the EGB in the Danube Region as important backbone for EU TEN-G and EU GI and the EGB as planned UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage. Hence numerous stakeholders and simultaneously the general public were made aware of the European Green Belt.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)