EcoVeloTour - Bicycle rest stop opening ceremony



The Subotica-Palic Micro-regional Tourism Cluster

invites you to the:

Bicycle rest stop opening ceremony.

Within the framework of EcoVeloTour - Fostering enhanced ecotourism planning along the Eurovelo cycle route network in the Danube region project,

wich was implemented through the financing of the Danube Transnational Programme.


Location: Supljak, Ludaski sor 26.

Date and time: 30/10/2020. 14:00


The Bicycle rest stop will be opened by Imre Kern, Deputy Mayor of the City of Subotica.

The project will be presented by Izabel Lanji Hnis, representative of the Subotica-Palic Micro-regional Tourism Cluster.
The opening ceremony will be followed by a reception.

Please confirm your participation, to the following address:, till 28/10/2020.


We look forward to seeing you!

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)