EcoVeloTour - EcoVeloTour on the Austrian platform “UNInteressant?“


An article about EcoVeloTour was published at the Austrian platform “UNInteressant?” ( “UNInteressant?” is a campaign that shows how the work of researchers affects specific areas of our daily lives. Together with the 22 public universities and the Austrian Science Fund FWF, the Austrian University Conference uniko presents ideas from the world of science that could change our century.

Scientists of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences – BOKU present their findings from our project EcoVeloTour on concerning the development of sustainable tourism products for the Danube region. The key elements of these products are ecotourism, the use of bicycles for mobility at the destination and intermodal travel via public transport and bicycle.

To tackle both, the climate crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic, society faces serious challenges. Reducing CO2 emissions of air traffic is a must for limiting the rise of mean temperatures. Sustainable and regional tourism strategies satisfy the need for recreation despite Covid-19 restrictions. Carbon emissions of bicycle holidays are on average 80% lower when compared to conventional holidays.

The project EcoVeloTour relies on three pillars eco-tourism, the use of bicycles at the destination, intermodal travel to and from the destination to solve the abovementioned problems. Eco-tourism is defined as a form of tourism that preserves and appreciates nature and observes, appreciates and preserves local cultural traditions. Based on a market and stakeholder analysis, guidelines for eco-tourism and sustainable bicycle tourism were written and used in six project regions to develop strategies. Experience from guidelines and strategies was then used in seven small-scale pilot projects, ranging from signposting, innovative accommodations and resting places to automated traffic counters.

Key elements of the EcoVeloTour project have been tested in interactive workshops and awareness raising events with local stakeholders. Such events were e.g. organised in form of guided tours at the trail centre Hohe Wand Wiese, Vienna and the national park Neusiedler See – Seewinkel, Burgenland. Finally, all findings will be published in easily accessible form on the EcoVeloTour e-learning platform.


Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)