
The first period of the implementation of the ArcheoDanube project started in July 2020 with the Framework planning (WP-T1). The leader of WP T1 is the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia (ZVKDS).
The preparation of the Methodology for partners to collect baseline information (D.T1.1.1) document has started with the aim to settle down the methodology how to collect input and information for the baseline study. The main aim was to collect information from partners about the European, national, regional laws and strategies concerning archaeological heritage. Furthermore it was meant to collect information about projects concerning archaeological parks on EU and national level. Information was collected in a participatory way through the contributions of all project partners. For this purpose, common spreadsheets were used that allowed the partners to share their data and view about all relevant topics.
Based on the information collected the Baseline study (D.T1.1.2.) was prepared with the aim of summarizing the state of art regarding heritage preservation in relation to landscape planning, urban design principles and cultural tourism. For the purpose of this study, international conventions, charters and other doctrinal documents were analysed. The study also includes a transnational review and comparison of national policies and strategies as well as archaeological planning systems in use in the included project partner countries, reflecting therefore the situation in the countries involved in the project.
In this period a Slide deck on the Baseline Study (D.T1.1.3) was also elaborated. The main aim of this deliverable is to summarize the main findings and proposals of the Baseline Study in a visual slide deck. The English presentation was prepared and will be translated into national languages. Partners can use it to present the findings to local stakeholders.
Developing a common guidance on stakeholder involvement (D.T1.2.1) was also prepared in this period. The stakeholder analysis describes the process and outcome of identifying stakeholders for the (further) development of archaeological parks and the establishment of the ARCHEODANUBE stakeholder groups. The data was collected by a survey October - December 2020 and included all ten city partners of the ARCHEODANUBE project. The analysis showed that representatives of public authorities could clearly be identified and their willingness to participate in stakeholder groups was given. Additional stakeholders from culture, heritage, tourism and media, who would benefit ARCHEODANUBE project, were also identified and recommendations for each city partner for setting up stakeholder groups were prepared and communicated.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)