
World Day of Art Nouveau 2021 – [Celebrating the diversity of Art Nouveau in Romania]

10-20 of June –  multiple locations throughout Romania (Arad, Bucharest, Brașov, Iași, Jimbolia,  Mediaș, Oradea, Timișoara, Tîrgu Mureș and others) – offline & online

Reconnecting communities from different areas of the country with their particular local / regional Art Nouveau architecture and design heritage, throughout a series of public events, exhibitions,  guided-tours, treasure-hunts, activities for children, movie screenings and online debates.

Here are a just a few of the highlights of Celebrating (the diversity of) World Art Nouveau Day in Romania, 2021:

  • Art Nouveau Treasure Hunts in Bucharest, Brașov, Tîrgu-Mureș and Timișoara (by National Institute of Heritage Romania & partners) – treasure-hunt “tours” custom-made for small groups and the particularities of Art Nouveau in each host - city.










  • Art Nouveau & Secession in a Saxon citadel (guided tour by Walking Tours Mediaș) -  for those curious to discover how a Saxon burg got to integrate (in various ways and degrees) elements of Art Nouveau and Secession ... still visible now, even on some rural buildings (Mediaș, Sibiu county).


  • This is NOT an Art Nouveau guided tour through Iași (by Asociația Iași.Travel, Iași, Iași County) – Outside the Carpathians Arch, even in a former capital city of the Romanian Principates, Art Nouveau influences are rather scattered.  Architecture & tourism specialists guide the curious on a long walk to discover the stories of Art Nouveau details in Iași.


  • World Art Nouveau Day in Timiș County (guided tours and exhibitions – furniture & decorative art and architecture sketches in Arad, Jimbolia, Lugoj and  Timișoara cities of the rich in Art Nouveau heritage Timiș County) Organized by Timiș County Council and Prin Banat Association, Banat National Museum, municipalities of Lugoj and Jimbolia.


  • “Animals” Art Nouveau Guided Tour, Zoomorphic motives in Art Nouveau decorations (exhibition), Glass NouveauStained glass mirror portals (exhibition) and Art Nouveau for kids in Oradea (a full weekend of events and activities dedicated to children) organized by Oradea Heritage, Oradea Municipality and partners.


  • Online conference: How are we (re)discovering the Art Nouveau heritage today? - a discussion & challenge inspired by a series of best-practices brought forward by our speakers - representatives of municipalities and communities who have already put Art Nouveau at the core of their local branding, cultural tourism and local development strategies. Organized by the National Institute of Heritage Romania.


More information about WAND program you can find here:


The project is co-financed by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA II).

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)