DREAM ROAD - FIRST LIVE PARTNER MEETING (D.M.3.1 Steering Committee Meeting and D.T1.2.3 Benchmarking tour - Pušča)


The DREAM ROAD Steering Committee Meeting was held on September 9th, 2021 at 9.30 am CET. The event was organized by the Lead Partner RIS Mansion Rakičan. 21 attendees participated. Representatives of 11 project partners attended the meeting – in addition to the hosting LP, participating project partners were: Institute of Social Innovations, Zala County Regional Development Agency Nonprofit Limited Liability Company, Nevo Parudimos Association, Roma Adult Education Organisation Burgenland, Institute for Cultural Relations Policy, Roma Inclusion Office, Know How Centre, Representation in the Republic of Moldova of the Foundation Terre des hommes Lausanne – Switzerland, NGO Youth Space, Harghita County Council, Municipality of Murska Sobota.

The event was structured into two parts – the first part was dedicated to the project implementation in the 1st and 2nd period with a presentation of main achievements and current status, followed by administrative and financial issues, reporting, project modifications and open matters. In the second part, a benchmarking tour at Pušča settlement was completed with a presentation of best practice example. The meeting concluded at 17.00 p.m. CET. The project partners thus completed D.M.3.1 Steering Committee Meeting and D.T1.2.3 Benchmarking tour - Pušča.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)