CD SKILLS - CD SKILLS project event at elderly home Dom pod Gorco


Just a few days before the “Open doors” event at the Dom pod Gorco when wider community is invited to visit the elderly home, CD SKILLS project partners UKC Maribor and the Municipality of Maribor visited them on June 9. We tested residents and employees with rapid tests for celiac disease with the aim of early detection of this condition, which affects 1-3% of people and in 80% remains undetected causing many complications.

Rapid testing for the presence of celiac disease specific antibodies in a drop of blood was performed as part of the pilot activity of the CD SKILLS project. One hundred residents and employees were tested. Fortunately, all of them were tested negative, however in two we found impaired immune response - a lack of IgA antibodies, and both were referred for further testing.
The atmosphere in the home was very pleasant, in line with their slogan "In the coexistence of pleasant, friendly and cordial people, my home is Dom pod Gorco." We thank them for the warm welcome with a hope that we were able to enrich this day  for them as well.








Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)