
DANOVA partner PP6-BATTI organized the second stakeholder workshop on May 31st 2022 at the premises of the Bulgarian Association for Transfer of Technology and Innovation. The aim of the meeting was to familiarize the stakeholders with the current progress of the DANOVA project implementation, as well as to discuss the work of the Transnational Working Group on the fully accessible concept of the transport infrastructure.

At the meeting, the stakeholders were introduced to the final Pilot action plan template, as well as to the pilot action plans of BKK, Budapest Airport, Dubrovnik Port Authority, Dubrovnik, Podgorica, Sarajevo and Zilina airport, as well as Port of Kotor.

The main conclusions of the meeting were that the Pilot action plan of Dubrovnik Port Authority would be of huge value in the future projects of Varna Port, and that relevant management and personnel should be aware of and informed about the pilot action template, as well as other best practices built within DANOVA project.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)