CD SKILLS - Scientific Meeting - Celiac Disease Diagnosis - All is old, and all is new*


The scientific meeting Celiac Disease Diagnosis - All is old, and all is new* addressed to health care professionals, was organized simultaneously with 5th SCOM taking place in Bucharest, Romania. Important European Celiac disease experts gave presentations about achievements and challenges related to celiac disease diagnosis.

Jernej Dolinšek, MD, PhD, University Medical Centre Maribor, Slovenia presented the challenges related to diagnosis of celiac disease, among them being the changing clinical presentation, unreliable diagnostic tools, lack of knowledge, un-harmonized guidelines, as well as low guideline adherence.

Zrinjka Mišak, MD, PhD, Children's Hospital Zagreb, Croatia gave a lecture about the status of Celiac disease in Mediterranean area. Dr. Mišak highlighted that in many Mediterranean countries, few cases of celiac disease are diagnosed because of low level of awareness, knowledge and skill, but also the lack of diagnostic resources.

In order to improve their knowledge, healthcare professionals can access Celiac disease information exchange platform, at, and online courses – CELIACFACTS, at

Ilma Korponay-Szabó, MD, PhD at Heim Pál National Paediatric Institute, Budapest, Hungary and University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary presented The of serology tests in celiac disease - what to be aware of? Dr. Korponay-Szabó shared interesting and very useful information about what strategies should HCP adopt when using the serology tests as well as details on the background knowledge of the lab result. Different type of laboratory methods were presented together with their advantages/disadvantages and kinetics to be known by the clinical physician for an accurate intepretation of the results.

Alina Popp, MD, PhD, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” and National Institute for Mother and Child Health “Alessandrescu Rusescu” Bucharest, Romania gave a lecture about Strengths and Limitations related to Intestinal biopsy in celiac disease. Dr. Popp talked about pitfalls in the interpretation of the intestinal biopsy and the necessity of  interdisciplinary communication for a correctly established diagnostic.

Kalle Kurppa MD, PhD, University of Tampere and Tampere University Hospital, Finland, shared interesting information related to No-biopsy guidelines for the diagnosis of celiac disease in adults: Finnish experiences. Serology diagnosis seems to be as accurate as biopsy in adults with celiac disease, but further data need to be analyzed in order to have a well-established no-biopsy guideline in adult patients validated in all European countries. He further presented the new non-biopsy Finnish strategy in adult celiac disease.

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)