Programme and project news and events

  • DARLINGe - partner training on geothermal resource estimation methods
    - 13-03-2019
    partner training on geothermal resource estimation methods

    Experts of MBFSZ led a 1 day training on the probabilistic methods applied in geothermal resource estimation for consortium partners on March 5 in Budapest. In addition to the introductory presentation, partners found the most useful the...

  • Finance4SocialChange - Video about our F4SC project
    - 13-03-2019
    Video about our F4SC project

    Video about the project, partners, beneficiaries, meetings... All about F4SC in pictures.

  • Danube SKILLS - Second Pilot course in Galati- Romania
    - 13-03-2019
    Second Pilot course in Galati- Romania

    CERONAV organized on 12 March 2019, in its premises in Galati, Romania, the pilot course on Human resource management and social responsibility on board addressing inland navigation personnel at Management level. Contact Danube...

  • MOVECO - Circular design with our daily sip of coffee - an edible alternative to disposable cups
    - 13-03-2019
    Circular design with our daily sip of coffee - an edible alternative to disposable cups

    This is the fifth article of MOVECO's blog series to give you more insights to the concept of the circular economy. Enjoy reading and to find out more, please visit our platform and become a...

  • ConnectGREEN - Identifying ecological corridors - new methodology introduced to key stakeholders in the Czech Republic
    - 13-03-2019
    Identifying ecological corridors - new methodology introduced to key stakeholders in the Czech Republic

    Incorporating significant migration areas for wildlife into the spatial plans is crucial for a better protection of large mammals, as well as for reducing the human-wildlife conflicts. This was one of the main premises of the first national...

  • 3Smart - presented at the Croatia 4.0 - Conference on New Technologies, Robotization and Automatization in Industry and Buildings
    - 13-03-2019
    presented at the Croatia 4.0 - Conference on New Technologies, Robotization and Automatization in Industry and Buildings

    The Croatia 4.0 - Conference on New Technologies, Robotization and Automatization in Industry and Buildings, was held in Zagreb on 14 February 2019. Conference gathered and presented everyone that in any way comes in a contact with the new...

  • 3Smart - representative participated at the Croatian National info day for the Third call for proposals of the Danube Transnational Programme
    - 13-03-2019
    representative participated at the Croatian National info day for the Third call for proposals of the Danube Transnational Programme

    Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia, National Contact Point for Croatia  organised national info days in order to support applicants in obtaining proper information that will help them structure proposals for...

  • 3Smart - representative participated at the DTP thematic seminar related to 3rd call opening held in Prague
    - 13-03-2019
    representative participated at the DTP thematic seminar related to 3rd call opening held in Prague

    Danube Transnational Programme, organised a thematic seminar, focussing on three topics -  1) Water management-flood prevention and environmental risks, 2) Natural and cultural heritage and 3) Energy in Prague (CZ) on the 14th December...

  • NewGenerationSkills - Read about opening of DEXIC µFabLab, one-stop-shop in the centre of Liberec
    - 12-03-2019
    Read about opening of DEXIC µFabLab, one-stop-shop in the centre of Liberec

      We have opened a technological one-stop-shop for rapid prototyping in the centre of Liberec on the 19th of February.DEXIC µFabLab is a modern one-stop-shop for young people interested in 3D print, PCB, IoT or...

  • CityWalk - CityWalk Conference on Walkability “Steps towards liveable cities”
    - 12-03-2019
    CityWalk Conference on Walkability  “Steps towards liveable cities”

    The partners of the project CityWalk (Towards energy responsible places: establishing walkable cities in the Danube Region - co-founded by EU funds) are delighted to invite you to the final event of the project hosted by project partner the City...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)