Programme and project news and events

  • ResInfra@DR - Call for single experts or expert teams to participate in the ResInfra@DR support activity
    - 06-03-2019
    Call for single experts or expert teams to participate in the ResInfra@DR support activity

    In the framework of the project “Facilitating macro-regional scope and link up to socio-economic actors of Research Infrastructure in the Danube Region - ResInfra@DR”, the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and...

  • RADAR - Project presented at Project Implementation Seminar in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    - 06-03-2019
    Project presented at Project Implementation Seminar in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    RADAR project is spreading its wings. At the end of February one of RADAR project Partners, Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club (BiHAMK), attended a Project Implementation Seminar regarding BiH Project Partners (DTP Second Call Proposals),...

  • DIGITRANS - First DIGITRANS regional policy workshop in Stuttgart
    - 06-03-2019
    First DIGITRANS regional policy workshop in Stuttgart

    Mid of February the first DIGITRANS regional policy workshop was held in Stuttgart by the German partners MFG Baden-Württemberg and Böblingen district. Participants from SMEs, associations, universities, business support organisations and public...

  • DRIM - Book "Globe in Motion: Patterns of International Migration" published!
    - 05-03-2019
    Book "Globe in Motion: Patterns of International Migration" published!

    On January 24, 2019 YUCOM, one of the DRIM project partners organized promotion of the edited volume Globe in Motion, Patterns of International Migration: Similarities and Differences, edited by B. Divinsky and T. Zachar Podolinska and published...

  • DRIM - Transnational Workshop in Belgrade
    - 05-03-2019
    Transnational Workshop in Belgrade

    On January 24, 2019 YUCOM, one of the DRIM project partners, organized DRIM project meeting and DRIM Transnational Workshop in Belgrade. DRIM Transnational Workshop took place at the Hotel Moskva in Belgrade, a beautiful historical venue....

  • EcoInn Danube - Scrubber –the liquid chemisorption air washer
    - 05-03-2019
    Scrubber –the liquid chemisorption air washer

    A significant improvement in the efficiency of existing air purifiers is sought by the liquid chemisorption Scrubber, the so-called air washer, which is the result of cooperation between the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Mechanical...

  • SIMONA - Announcement of the Inventory Workshop
    - 04-03-2019
    Announcement of the Inventory Workshop

    The SIMONA project attempts to organize the Inventory Workshop which will be organised between 10.-11. April 2019 at the Geological Survey of Austria, Neulinggasse 38, 1030 Wien, Austria.  A detailed agenda will be available in the next few...

    - 04-03-2019

    How do companies from the creative industry use the DIGITRANS method and how it sustainably influences their business model: This short video outlines Marcel Seyther's, CEO of Seyther Kommunikation, and his team's experiences in using the...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Meet the Project Partners - Westpannon (Hungary)
    - 04-03-2019
    Meet the Project Partners - Westpannon (Hungary)

    The mission of West Pannon Regional and Economic Development Non-profit Ltd. is to support the initiation and implementation of cooperation-based regional and economic development processes in the West Transdanubian Region. Its aim is to...

  • Made in Danube - coming soon: Open innovation world cafés
    - 04-03-2019
    coming soon: Open innovation world cafés

    Three World Cafés organised by the Made in Danube project for the civil society in Nitra, SK (11/04/2019) Budapest, HU (12/04/2019) Vinkovci, HR (09/05/2019) Strengthening links with civil society generally contributes to a better...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)