Programme and project news and events

  • EcoInn Danube - Students from Novi Sad, Serbia, created a smart carpet that makes electricity from human footsteps
    - 12-02-2019
    Students from Novi Sad, Serbia, created a smart carpet that makes electricity from human footsteps

    SmartWalk is a developing product whose purpose is to convert the mechanical energy of man's walk into electricity, writes portal Carpets will no longer only serve to collect dust. They will soon produce electricity, thanks to the...

  • DAPhNE - First steps towards the digitalisation of Danube ports in Austria, Slovakia, Romania and Serbia
    - 12-02-2019
    First steps towards the digitalisation of Danube ports in Austria, Slovakia, Romania and Serbia

    One of the key outputs of the DAPhNE project is the port community system (PCS) implemented through dedicated pilot actions at four different ports on the Danube. PCS is an innovative electronic platform that connects multiple systems...

    - 12-02-2019

    „Sava TIES“ project is implemented by „Una“ National park in cooperation with 8 other  partners from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Germany who pointed their willingnes to fight expansion of alien speces, as well as promotion of the project,...

  • TRANSGREEN - The first Eurasian lynx to cross from Silesian to Moravian-Silesian Beskydy
    - 11-02-2019
    The first Eurasian lynx to cross from Silesian to Moravian-Silesian Beskydy

    What is limiting the large carnivore migration? News piece by: Hnutí DUHA Olomouc (Friends of the Earth Czech Republic) Photomonitoring confirmed the first recorded case of a large carnivore travelling between two West Carpathian mountain...

  • Learning by Doing - SCOM Meeting in Timisoara - 12 - 13 February 2019
    - 11-02-2019
    SCOM Meeting in Timisoara - 12 - 13 February 2019

    NCTVETD Romania will organize between 12-13 of February 2019 the Steering Committee meeting of the project where also each partner will participate. The agenda of this working meeting contains a Steering Committee Meeting, financial update and...

  • Danube Floodplain - Hungarian kick-off and stakeholder meeting, 23.01.2019
    - 11-02-2019
    Hungarian kick-off and stakeholder meeting, 23.01.2019

    The Hungarian kick-off meeting of the Danube Floodplain project was held in Szolnok, on 23th January 2019. The main scope was to inform stakeholders about the ongoing activities of the project. Hungarian partners also wanted to gather knowledge...

  • EcoInn Danube - SAVE-THE-DATE | Danube: Innovation in flow
    - 11-02-2019
    SAVE-THE-DATE | Danube: Innovation in flow

    Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Vratsa organize “Danube: Innovation in flow” – project EcoInn Danube, final dissemination event of the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme. Join the event and get the unique opportunity to meet at...

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - 2nd Steering Committee Meeting in Nagyatad, Hungary
    - 11-02-2019
    2nd Steering Committee Meeting in Nagyatad, Hungary

    From 23rd to 25th January 2019, the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail partnership met in Nagyatad, Hungary for the 2nd Steering Committee Meeting and Study Visit of the area.  Two days were packed with working on all project work packages, with...

  • REFOCuS - Field observations in riparian forests as a basis for development of forest management objectives
    - 11-02-2019
    Field observations in riparian forests as a basis for development of forest management objectives

    REFOCuS will provide forest management and conservation guidelines for riparian forests in the Biosphere Reserve Mura-Drava-Danube. For that purpose field observations will be carried out to investigate the current state of the forests in the...

  • DAPhNE - consortium meets for the second time in Enns, Austria
    - 10-02-2019
    consortium meets for the second time in Enns, Austria

    On 6 February 2019, the Port of Enns hosted the 4th consortium meeting and the 5th work package leaders meeting in the framework of the DAPhNE project. The partners introduced the current status of all project activities, with special focus on...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)