Programme and project news and events

  • Amazon of Europe Bike Trail - Official awarding of UNESCO's Man and Biosphere certificates to the mayors of the Mura Biosphere Reserve
    - 04-02-2019
    Official awarding of UNESCO's Man and Biosphere certificates to the mayors of the Mura Biosphere Reserve

    On 22nd & 23rd January 2019, the Amazon of Europe Bike Trail partnership attended the Official event in Velika Polana, Slovenia, where the Mayors of the Mura Biosphere Reserve were awarded the UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Certificates.  The...

  • DanuBioValNet - Biopackaging – Let´s create future together
    - 04-02-2019
    Biopackaging – Let´s create future together

    Invitation 06 March 2019 Palais Lower Austria Herrengasse 13, 1010 Vienna, Austria Business Upper Austria, ecoplus. the business agency of Lower Austria and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport Slovenia invites you...

  • EcoInn Danube - Bacteria, which produce butanol
    - 04-02-2019
    Bacteria, which produce butanol

    The fact, that some bacteria can produce butanol, is nothing new. At the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication (FEEC), BUT, they deal with one particular strain and try to modify its genes to increase butanol production. It could...

  • CrowdStream - CrowdStream at the 15th Joint Steering and Working Group Meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area 8
    - 04-02-2019
    CrowdStream at the 15th Joint Steering and Working Group Meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area 8

    The 15th Joint Steering and Working Group Meeting of the EUSDR Priority Area 8 took place on December 19, 2018 in Stuttgart, Germany. The focus was the revision of the EUSDR Action Plan, introduction of the Danube Strategy Point and discussions...

  • AgriGo4Cities - Conference: Participatory urban agriculture for inclusive cities
    - 04-02-2019
    Conference: Participatory urban agriculture for inclusive cities

    We are pleased to invite you to the Final Transnational Conference of the Agrigo4Cities project: Participatory urban agriculture for inclusive cities, which will be held on 19th of March 2019 at MOM Kulturális Központ in Budapest. The...

  • RARE - Self-help house building project changes Romani people's lives
    - 04-02-2019
    Self-help house building project changes Romani people's lives

    A unique project involving the building of houses as a self-help measure is changing the lives of Romani people in the eastern Slovak municipality of Rankovce. A pilot project in 2013 made it possible for the first inhabitants of the settlement...

  • DAPhNE - The Challenge of Human Resources in Danube Ports
    - 04-02-2019
    The Challenge of Human Resources in Danube Ports

    Inland ports represent logistics hubs which facilitate transshipment between transport modes in a transport system and act as regulators of freight flows in supply chains. The human factor was often excluded and rather focuses more on technical...

  • D2C - Field project meeting in the Pilot region 2 in Slovakia
    - 03-02-2019
    Field project meeting in the Pilot region 2 in Slovakia

    Experts of Slovak project partners the State Nature Conservancy (represented by experts from protected areas Záhorie and Small Carpathians) and the Ekopolis Foundation met in the middle of the Pilot region 2 in Western Slovakia. The purpose of...

  • WOMEN IN BUSINESS - Thematic Capitalisation Workshop, Budapest, Hungary
    - 01-02-2019
    Thematic Capitalisation Workshop, Budapest, Hungary

    The Thematic Capitalisation Workshop took place on 22th of January 2019 in Budapest, Hungary, hosted by the IFKA Public Benefit Non-Profit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry.  40 participants had the opportunity to get together and...

  • InnoSchool - At the Info Day on 3rd Call for proposals of the Danube Interreg Programme in Sarajevo
    - 01-02-2019
    At the Info Day on 3rd Call for proposals of the Danube Interreg Programme in Sarajevo

    The Directorate for European Integration, as the National Authority and National Contact Point for the Danube Interreg Programme (DTP), in collaboration with the DTP Joint Secretariat organized Info Day on 31st January 2019 in Sarajevo, Bosnia...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)