Programme and project news and events

  • INDEED - June, 2017- May, 2020│SENSE GARDEN Project, AAL Programme One Room ~ 6 different experiences
    - 29-01-2019
    June, 2017- May, 2020│SENSE GARDEN Project, AAL Programme  One Room ~ 6 different experiences

    The progressive impact of dementia on memory, communication, behaviour, orientation, and mood can have serious implications for an individual’s wellbeing. Whilst there is currently no cure for dementia, it has been suggested that activity...

  • INDEED - November, 21-23 2018│Sarajevo, (Bosnia-Herzegovina)│International Congress on Dementia-IcoDem 2018
    - 29-01-2019
    November, 21-23 2018│Sarajevo, (Bosnia-Herzegovina)│International Congress on Dementia-IcoDem 2018

    The International Conference on Dementia in Sarajevo on 21-23 November 2018 brought together experts from Bosnia-Hercegovina, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia, Serbia and Germany to outline the current state of dementia research and care. Skillfully...

  • INDEED - November, 20-22 2018│Romania │ Interreg Danube Transnational Programme│ETC UNIVERSITY SmarTRASNATIONAL Cooperation
    - 29-01-2019
    November, 20-22 2018│Romania │ Interreg Danube Transnational Programme│ETC UNIVERSITY SmarTRASNATIONAL Cooperation

    Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration (Bucharest, Romania, National Library of Romania) The CTE - SmarTransnational Cooperation University is organized at the initiative of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public...

  • INDEED - October 01-02, 2018 │Hungary│ Festive Conference on the International Day of Older Persons
    - 29-01-2019
    October 01-02, 2018 │Hungary│ Festive Conference on the International Day of Older Persons

      At the Festive Conference on the International Day of Older Persons on 1-2 October 2018, professionals of the health sector, social workers and economists joined in Budapest to discuss practice and possibilities of elderly care. Experts...

  • INDEED - September 28, 2018 │Romania│ ʺREMEMBER ME!ʺ, 3rd Edition │
    - 29-01-2019
    September 28, 2018 │Romania│ ʺREMEMBER ME!ʺ, 3rd Edition │

    International Alzheimer Day Romanian Alzheimer Society, (Bucharest, Romania, Library of the Romanian Academy) On the occasion of the International Alzheimer Day 2018, the Romanian Alzheimer  Society (SRA) organized the third edition of...

  • INDEED - September 28, 2018 │Slovenia │1st Public Event │10th International Conference on Dementia │
    - 29-01-2019
    September 28, 2018 │Slovenia │1st Public Event │10th International Conference on Dementia │

    Spominčica – Alzheimer Slovenija, (Ljubljana, Slovenia, Medicinska Fakulteta) With support from Štefanija Zlobec and David Krivec at Spominčica (Alzheimer Slovenija), and Zvezdan Pirtošek at the University of Ljubljana it was  organised the...

  • INDEED - September 21, 2018 │Bulgaria│ Dementia Day Symposium│
    - 29-01-2019
    September 21, 2018 │Bulgaria│ Dementia Day Symposium│

    The Bulgarian Society of Dementia (BSD) (Sofia, Bulgaria) A “Dementia Day Symposium” was held on September 21 in Sofia informing medical students, healthcare professionals, people with dementia and care givers about currently ongoing dementia...

  • INDEED - September 20, 2018 │ Bulgaria │ Raise awareness about dementia│
    - 29-01-2019
    September 20, 2018 │ Bulgaria │ Raise awareness about dementia│

    The Bulgarian Society of Dementia (BSD), the Medical University Sofia and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia, Bulgaria, Sofia Cinema Hall) The Bulgarian Society of Dementia (BSD), the Medical University Sofia and the Bulgarian Academy...

  • Danube Floodplain - Expert Meeting - Experts in hydraulic modelling, ecological modelling and stakeholders analysis decide on modelling strategies on December 18th/19th 2018 in Munich
    - 28-01-2019
    Expert Meeting - Experts in hydraulic modelling, ecological modelling and stakeholders analysis decide on modelling strategies on December 18th/19th 2018 in Munich

    The Danube Floodplain project partners met one week before Christmas in Munich. It was a technical meeting of the experts involved in hydraulic and habitat modelling as well as in stakeholder engagement to reduce the flood risk in the Danube...

  • Transdanube.Pearls - Workshop on sustainable mobility and tourism held in Neusiedl
    - 28-01-2019
    Workshop on sustainable mobility and tourism held in Neusiedl

    On the 17th of January 2019, the last workshop organized by the RMB on "Sustainable Mobility and Tourism in the Region" took place at the Weinwerk in Neusiedl as part of the Transdanube.Pearls project. The local stakeholders appeared numerous,...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)