Programme and project news and events

  • MOVECO - Innovation Award 2019 - We are looking for the best circular economy solutions
    - 28-01-2019
    Innovation Award 2019 - We are looking for the best circular economy  solutions

    In spring 2019, the EU Interreg project MOVECO will award products and services from the circular economy with the MOVECO Innovation Award. The award gives creative, future-oriented enterprises and business models from the partner countries in...

  • RARE - Produce Your Own Soundtrack to Life!
    - 28-01-2019
    Produce Your Own Soundtrack to Life!

    Tomislav Jovanović from Obrenovac, Serbia, hopes to one day produce original Roma-inspired music for a film production that will win awards and international recognition.   Ever since I was 10, 11 years of age I began to put...

  • DA-SPACE - Meetings, trainings and team work within the second cycle of Croatian Open Innovation Lab
    - 27-01-2019
    Meetings, trainings and team work within the second cycle of Croatian Open Innovation Lab

    The Croatian Open Innovation Lab's activities are in a full swing. After the kick-off meeting held in December, the regular meetings of the solvers and seekers have continued during December and January. On the 16th of January the first Review...

  • InnoSchool - Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship
    - 25-01-2019
    Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship

    On December 12th, 2018, the Seminar on Social Entrepreneurship took place in Rožňava (Slovakia). The information seminar was held to provide practical information on purpose of social entrepreneurship and possibilities emerging from newly...

    - 25-01-2019

    As its chosen pilot project within YOUMIG, the municipality of Sfantu Gheorghe (Sepsiszentgyörgy in Hungarian) has relaunched the website The site targets young migrants planning to return home as its main readership. They will...

  • REFOCuS - Next partner meeting, Jastrebarsko, Croatia, 28/2-1/3/2019
    - 25-01-2019
    Next partner meeting, Jastrebarsko, Croatia, 28/2-1/3/2019

    The second partner meeting will take place in Jastrebarsko, Croatia, from 28th of February to 1st of March at the premises of Croatian Forest Research Institute. The institute hosts the regional seed bank of riparian tree species, that was...

  • InnoSchool - A project that supports middle school students to become entrepreneurs
    - 25-01-2019
    A project that supports middle school students to become entrepreneurs

    The Central Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency participates in the international InnoSchool project, which aims to boost entrepreneurial spirit and support students to become entrepreneurs within Central European countries, including...

  • GRENDEL - SAVE THE DATE: Know-how transfer event on modernisation of Danube fleet
    - 25-01-2019
    SAVE THE DATE: Know-how transfer event on modernisation of Danube fleet

    SAVE THE DATE: 7-8 March 2019, in Vienna. Inland shipping is facing enormous challenges with regard to the further optimisation of energy efficiency, environmental and climate protection. Greenhouse Gas Emissions is a very hot topic on the...

  • EcoInn Danube - Austria - Czech Republic – call for bilateral research projects
    - 25-01-2019
    Austria - Czech Republic – call for bilateral research projects

    The Austrian Science Fund (FWF) together with its Czech partner organization GA ČR jointly launch their fifth call for closely integrated bilateral Austrian-Czech research projects („Joint Projects“). The call is open to project proposals from...

  • The Third Call is open!
    - 28-01-2019
    The Third Call is open!

    Finally, we are glad to announce - The 3rd Call for Proposals is open! You can apply with your proposals until 8th of March 2019 at 14:00h! The third call for proposals is open to the Specific Objectives 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 3.2 and 4.1 and restricted...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)