Programme and project news and events

  • DRIM - The Dream Came True: DC Launch, Training and Workshop in Hungary
    - 14-01-2019
    The Dream Came True: DC Launch, Training and Workshop in Hungary

    The Hungarian events highlighted the main characteristics effecting the potential efficiency of Danube Compass. The number of migrants arrived to Hungary in the past five years has increased significantly. At the same time experts experience...

  • DRIM - 7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (18th -19th of October 2018 Sofia, Bulgaria)
    - 14-01-2019
    7th Annual Forum of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (18th -19th of October 2018 Sofia, Bulgaria)

    Besides the interesting sessions, the event provided a great opportunity to meet with partners, to discuss cooperation possibilities and to promote our results. We discussed future capitalization activities between DRIM and YOUMIG project and at...

  • DRIM - DRIM Presented at the Big Stage of EURegionsWeek 2018 Event in Brussels (10th September 2018, Brussels, Belgium)
    - 14-01-2019
    DRIM Presented at the Big Stage of EURegionsWeek 2018 Event in Brussels (10th September 2018, Brussels, Belgium)

    The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European Union cohesion policy, and prove the importance of the local and regional...

  • DRIM - Train the trainer Seminar for Implementation of Danube Compass in Public Institutions (13th - 14th of September 2018, Székesfehérvár, Hungary)
    - 14-01-2019
    Train the trainer Seminar for Implementation of Danube Compass in Public Institutions (13th - 14th of September 2018, Székesfehérvár, Hungary)

    The two-day-long train-the-trainer course was moderated by DRIM PP4 G&S following the methodology prepared beforehand. The course first emphasized the importance of access to information for migrants' economic integration and the role of...

  • MOVECO - International Stakeholder Forum in Ljubljana
    - 14-01-2019
    International Stakeholder Forum in Ljubljana

    Cross-country stakeholder forum, extended producer responsibility – Do our countries need a »clearing house«? ​The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (CCIS) and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial planning of Slovenia...

  • ConnectGREEN - Safe ecological corridors must urgently be established as wolves are at once both protected and hunted
    - 14-01-2019
    Safe ecological corridors must urgently be established as wolves are at once both protected and hunted

    Wolf hunting season in Slovakia lasts from November 1 until January 15. Hunting wolves is prohibited in NATURA 2000 protected areas, but if the animals cross the boundaries of these zones, the law allows them to be killed. The problem is that...

  • INDEED - Dementia Master Classes 2│4th Meeting│December 17-18, 2018 │Croatia
    - 13-01-2019
    Dementia Master Classes 2│4th Meeting│December 17-18, 2018 │Croatia

    Zagreb Master Class on Dementia is one of the master classes in this field organized in the Balkan region with the aim to advance dementia care. The objectives of these Dementia Master Classes are to stimulate interprofessional exchange, increase...

  • CHESTNUT - Presentation "Effects of the development of cruise tourism and sustainable urban mobility in cities" held in Zadar
    - 11-01-2019
    Presentation "Effects of the development of cruise tourism and sustainable urban mobility in cities" held in Zadar

    Rector's palace in Zadar was host of an interesting lecture to key stakeholders and general public within project CHESTNUT - Comprehensive elaboration of Strategic plaNs for sustainable Urban Transport. Gathered multitude beside...

  • RADAR - Second Newsletter is Live!
    - 10-01-2019
    Second Newsletter is Live!

    Project RADAR second newsletter is online! The status report on road safety 2018, launched by WHO in December 2018, highlights that the number of annual road traffic deaths has reached 1.35 million. The report suggests that the price paid for...

  • InnoHPC - REPORT - 7th Regional Workshop - Sarajevo
    - 10-01-2019
    REPORT - 7th Regional Workshop - Sarajevo

    Sarajevo Regional Development Agency SERDA organized event on High Performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube Region, held on 27th December 2018 in Sarajevo. The aim of 7th InnoHPC Regional Workshop  was  to promote DTP...

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)