D2C DaRe to Connect - Supporting Danube Region’s ecological Connectivity by linking Natura 2000 areas along the Green Belt

D2C Final conference

Dare to Connect: Final public conference

Date, place. language: 10. November 2021, 9-12 a.m., online, English, no translation 

In the past two years the project DaRe to Connect within the INTERREG Danube Transnational Programme has paved the way for a declaration with the aim to maintain, improve and develop the Green Belt as backbone of ecological connectivity in Europe. At the final conference, project experts presented the main project results and highlight how they contribute to the establishment of a transnational European Green Infrastructure.

The conference presented regions along the European Green Belt (EGB), which were identified in the framework of DaRe to Connect as regions, where the ecological connectivity and therefore the functioning of the Green Infrastructure network should be enhanced. These “Areas of Action” (AoA) were elaborated according to different intervention mechanisms and policy instruments (e.g. CAP, biodiversity strategy and restoration goals).

In order to underpin the need for an integrated management approach for functional connectivity of protected areas along the European Green Belt, practical examples from the pilot regions were presented by regional experts. The conference was concluded with recommendations for future steps and activities especially considering the challenges of man-made climate change.


Conference minutes 

Conference presentations 

Programme co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA, ENI)